This is how to walk on water, the pure river of water of life, the water of the baptism we all have received, the water we are all born of, the Holy Water of a mother's womb, and how to fish for men filling baskets and baskets of bread.
Genealogy in the scriptures begins with the four rivers, of which the name of the first is Pi'Son.
From the river Pi'Son through Rib'lah and Eve and then to Key'turah, and from there by following the sprinkling of water to Mary. When a man is found sprinkling water, that means he's the father. There is no actual sprinkling of water, except for a ladies breaking their water and children being born.
From the river Pi'Son through Adam'ah and Adam, and from there following the Bread to Joseph and Christ. This reconciles Luke 3. Remember Christ said he is the Bread? No man cometh unto the Father, but by the bread.
From the river Pi'Son through the Land of Goshen, which is Pi'Ramses, and then through Ha'Math to Pi'late, who found no fault at all in Christ.
Matthew 25 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
The two pillars of salt from the daughters of Lot due to their marriages to the mentors/angels. Lot performed the marriage ceremonies, which is what it means to drink of the wine. Wine is mockery, Strong drink is raging.
The multitude as the salt of the earth, also called Speckled, is modern day Judaism.
The multitude as the sand upon the seashore, also called ringstraked, is modern day Christianity.
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is the foretelling of the end of Judaism and Christianity.
The multitude as the stars of heaven, also called spotted, which is found by following the archer, is modern day Islam.
The stars of heaven falling is the end of Islam.
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