Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Our Daily Bread

Truth Doers

Abraham And Moses

Abraham through which all families of the earth be blessed, is played by Ramses The Great Ancestor. Moses, the author, is played by Amenmesse of Ramses

Ramses has a great wife named Ne’fer’tari. Amenmesse was going to go on a journey with her and write about it. Popularly now called the book of Exodus.

Ramses and Amenmesse are chatting about what Amenmesse should write. Ramses says something. Amenmesse quickly retorts something like, I can’t write that, that’s silly. Ramses says with a giggle, you're going with any for tarry, write it, "you wandered".

Amenmesse shaking his head giggling, thinking about Ramses that he’s such a ham. RA responds, amen, mess eh , and they all laughed and laughed and laughed.

The ham of RA, abRAham

Son Of Man

Christ is basically walking around shaking his head at others with their heads in the clouds. O boy O boy O boy Christ is thinking. So he takes on the nickname son of man.

In the book of Daniel God is continually shaking his head at Daniel. O boy O boy O boy God’s thinking. So God takes on the nickname son of man.

The book of Ezekiel while Ezekiel is reviewing the book of Daniel in his mind, he shaking his head. Understand O son of man?

Christ And Peter

The stories of Christ and Peter are about Peter being such a headache to Christ. Christ just shaking his head at Peter over and over. Peter continually has his head in the clouds. Sometimes he won’t shut up when he should shut up, other times he won’t speak up when he should speak up.

Ever had a friend like that?

Finally Christ has had enough of Peter one day, and finally tells him to shut the hell up! Get thee behind me satan is the words Christ used.

But anyway, Christ turns the other cheek, and then gives Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven anyway. Almost immediately after Christ asks Peter, do you how many keys there are? Peter is lost, head in the clouds, he answers, I dunno.

Christ just shakes his head again. Come on Peter, i just gave them to you, you lost them already?

Sacrifices Of The Heart

For one to come to have a proper understanding of wisdom, they will be able to overcome their flight and fight instinct. That’s called an animal sacrifice, what it means for one to sacrifice the animal in them.

For one to teach a child to think properly as an adult should think, so no child is found but an adult is found instead, is what is called a child sacrifice.

Abraham and Isaac

Abraham thought Isaac wasn’t thinking properly as an adult should think. Abraham decided to test Isaac.

Abraham found that Isaac did in fact think properly as an adult should think.

Abraham did not have to sacrifice his child, as no child could be found as Isaac was an adult instead.

Seeking Wisdom

When it is written Christ said we need to be Born Again (John 3 3 KJV), that's him saying we need to figure out wisdom, what it means to be wise compared to what it means to be a fool.

That simple.

The Parable of Frogs

You know how there are individuals that hop from truth to truth and over other truths as they see fit? Called cherry pickers, right? In the scriptures they’re portrayed as frogs.

Exodus 8 of the kjv. Imagine you’re the pharaoh. Are you surrounded by frogs? Or are you witness to billions of humans that cherry pick the truth as they see fit?

If one sees actual frogs in the parable, you can know with certainty that one is a cherry picker of the truth as they see fit.

Moses gathers up all the cherry pickers together, and all their stories stink.