Wednesday, April 10, 2019

God Speed

Below is a methodology of thought to get God to speak with you, with an audible voice, in any random crowd.

You can do the work in private, but God will only speak with you when you are around others that will be witness of hearing his voice, therefore you will have evidence the voice is not an auditory hallucination.

It's really as simple as making lists, properly separating propositions.

Making the lists is actually a proper way of thinking for a human being.

In making the lists properly, God will begin speaking with you with an audible voice giving you hints to solve for unknowns.

You can work on the lists in private, but God will only speak with you about the items on the lists when you're around others. God understands the disciplines of the mind, and will always ensure you are not suffering from an auditory hallucination.

Really, it's not more complicated than that.

The three following links, even though written in different ways, are actually all the exact same thing.

     Know - Do Not Know - Opinion

     Knowledge of Good and Evil

     You Must Be Born Again


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