Friday, December 7, 2018

Four Multitudes

There are Four Multitudes in Holy Scriptures!

The four multitudes are based on different ways different groups of people think.

The nicknames for the four multitudes are:
1) Unspotted
2) Spotted
3) Speckled
4) Ringstraked.

1) The Unspotted multitude is also called the 'Whole' multitude. They are the multitude also called the dust of the earth that partake in making man in our image.

2) The Spotted multitude is also called the multitude as the stars of heaven.

3) The Speckled multitude is also called the multitude as the salt of the earth.

4) The Ringstraked multitude is also called the multitude as the sand upon the sea shore.

Only the Unspotted multitude is religious.

The spotted, speckled, and ringstraked multitudes all partake in the crucifixion of Christ, therefore are idol worshippers. The beliefs they cherish are the idols of their worship. The truth is not in them.

Modern Day Names

1) Unspotted/dust: Atheism
2) Spotted/heaven: Islam
3) Speckled/earth: Judaism
4) Ringstraked/sea: Christianity

|N'R| - Norm

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