Saturday, November 10, 2018

Proper And Popular Atheist

There are two types of atheists. There are 'Proper' Atheists, and there are 'Popular' Atheists.

Proper Atheist

A Proper Atheist is one that uses purely objective epistemology that reflects our objective reality, and therefore does understand the proper separation of  things they Know, from things they Do Not Know, and also from Opinion. A Proper Atheist is a 'true' critical thinker, one that does understand how a human should think, and thinks exactly like that.

     Objective Epistemology

     You Must Be Born Again

Popular Atheist

A Popular Atheist is one that asserts they are an Atheist according to the definition in the dictionary. They fail to recognize the definition in the dictionary is subjective, without any objective rule, therefore their claim of being an Atheist is that of a No True Scotsman logical fallacy.

They use ambiguous terminology that fails to properly reflect our objective reality, therefore in some matters fail to properly separate things known from things unknown.

They mix knowledge, belief, and opinion altogether as it suits them, therefore do dismiss the objectivity of wisdom.

     Know - Do Not Know - Opinion

It is wise to properly separate things You Know, from things you Do Not Know, and also from Opinion. It is the fool that mixes them.

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